Turn off snap to grid word 2010
Turn off snap to grid word 2010

Please note that other Pearson websites and online products and services have their own separate privacy policies. This privacy notice provides an overview of our commitment to privacy and describes how we collect, protect, use and share personal information collected through this site. Pearson Education, Inc., 221 River Street, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030, (Pearson) presents this site to provide information about Peachpit products and services that can be purchased through this site. Click the indicator to open the Find and Replace dialog box to the Go To tab ( Figure 4.4). This indicator displays the current page number, as well as the total number of pages in the document. You can click in the scroll bar or drag the scroll box to navigate through a document's pages. You can close the Office Clipboard and other panes to increase the display area for the document. Most of Word's window is reserved for the current word-processing document. Click the pane's close box (X) to dismiss the pane.ĭocument. To show the Office Clipboard pane, click the launcher icon at the bottom of the Clipboard group on the Home tab. The Office Clipboard is shared among Office applications and allows you to copy and paste multiple items within a document, between documents, and even between applications. Click a style name to apply it to currently selected text. To make it easier to apply a Word character or paragraph style to selected text, you can display the Styles pane by clicking the launcher icon at the bottom of the Styles group on the Home tab. The vertical ruler is visible only on the document page that contains the text insertion mark.

turn off snap to grid word 2010

Use the controls on the horizontal ruler to set or change tab stops and indents for the currently selected paragraph(s).

turn off snap to grid word 2010

Click the View Ruler icon to hide or show the horizontal and vertical rulers. To perform a command, you switch to the appropriate tab by clicking its name and then click the command's icon or control. Within each tab, procedures are further divided into groups, based on similarity of function. Similar commands and procedures are listed together on a tab, such as Insert or View. The Ribbon is Office's replacement for the program menus found in Word 2003 and prior versions.

turn off snap to grid word 2010

Click the close box (X) or exit Word to dismiss Word Help. Figure 4.3 Click text links in Word Help to view help topics.

Turn off snap to grid word 2010