Simple android app primer
Simple android app primer

simple android app primer

Give your project a name, choose java and use lower level API so that your app can run on older version of android phones(I am using Api 16: Android 4.1 Jelly Bean).Select Empty Activity as shown in the following screenshot.Go to the top left corner and then hit File->New->New Project as shown in the following screenshot.Building the interface of our Music Player Android App.Īfter finishing all the following subsequent steps our app will look like this:Īfter opening the Android Studio you have to create a new project using the Empty Activity with language as Java and give your project a unique name as you wish but don’t forget to keep the first alphabet capital.Using external files(images, audios, etc) in our project.Implementing MediaPlayer class and using its methods like pause, play and stop.The following things you will learn in this article: The following pre-requisites is good enough before starting. This is a very simple app suitable for beginners to learn the concepts. Commonly Asked Data Structure Interview Questions | Set 1.SQL | Join (Inner, Left, Right and Full Joins).Tree Traversals (Inorder, Preorder and Postorder).

simple android app primer

Simple android app primer how to#

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Simple android app primer